
Posts Tagged ‘Happiness Project’

My happiness project this year is to simply complete 18 objectives throughout 2018. I’ll keep you posted as I cross them off my list. Here is my 18 for 2018 list:

  1. Order two birth certificates for myself (contact vital records in California).
  2. Figure out Instagram.
  3. Create a Google Photo account.
  4. Lose 18 pounds.
  5. Blog at least once per month (of course, more would be better).
  6. Plan a trip to New York City with Andrew for 2019.
  7. Interact with a sloth.
  8. Buy Andrew a reasonably priced and reliable used car.
  9. Visit a museum.
  10. Try a voice (singing) lesson.
  11. Update my LinkedIn account.
  12. Organize my master bedroom closet.
  13. Make an appointment with my eye doctor.
  14. Watch Stranger Things.
  15. Complete a 5K.
  16. Read Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days by Chris Guillebeau.
  17. Keep track of my time.
  18. Plan my 50th birthday celebration.

Other Plans for 2018:

  1. On Goodreads I joined the Reading Challenge, and my goal is to read 50 books. I surpassed my goal of 50 books in 2017 by reading 55 books.
  2. Andrew and I will be attending Comic Con in New Orleans this weekend, so he can meet Stan Lee.
  3. I will be attending my annual scrapbooking convention with my gal pals May 31st-June 3rd.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Fleetwood Mac will come to New Orleans this year for their farewell tour. Seeing them perform again would be awesome and a giant boost to my happiness. So, dear reader…how about you? Have you made resolutions or have goals you would like to complete in 2018? If so, please share. Happiness!

“Clear visions and positive goals, leads to positive actions and purposeful life.”     ~ Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind



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2018Happy New Year’s Day, dear readers! 2018 is a new year, and I am feeling optimistic about it. RE-ENERGIZE. That is the one-word theme I have chosen for this year. Since this is my last year in my 40s, I want to complete this decade of my life on a high note. I have also decided to attempt another happiness project even though I failed miserably last year. It will look a little differently from the one I’ve done in the past; however, the goal is the same…to increase my happiness. I am looking forward to a new year with new possibilities and opportunities. New Year’s Blessings to you, dear readers. Happiness!

If you could choose a one-word theme for this year, what word would you choose?

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” ~ Oprah Winfrey


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A few months ago I purchased A Happier 2017 Page-A-Day Calendar. I’ve always been a bit fascinated with these kinds of calendars, but never wanted to spend the money on one because I already have a wall calendar, a dry erase calendar, and a planner. What would be the point of owning another calendar? Well, I bought this one since I’m a fan of Gretchen Rubin, and I want to be happier.


The first page of the calendar suggested choosing a one-word theme to guide your thoughts and actions throughout the year. I chose RENEWAL. I want to resume some of the activities that I enjoy participating in to improve my overall physical and mental health. I also want to raise my level of happiness and change my perspective on life to a more positive one. Therefore, I am going to attempt another happiness project (my last attempt was in 08/2011).  Each month I will designate some area in my life where I want to experience a renewal. Of course, I am probably biting off more than I can chew, so to speak; however, I want to try. It should be fun!

Naturally, day 2 of my happier calendar pertains to happiness and habits and focuses on healthy eating. As a result, I choose renewing healthy habits for January of my happiness project. I have not ironed out all of the details, yet. I just made the decision to do my happiness project after listening to Gretchen’s podcast episode on Friday. However, it will involve steps to eating better and exercising more regularly. In order for changes to be successful, they cannot be made too quickly or all at once.

My resolutions for this week are simple:

  • Move more
  • Think about food and drink choices
  • Incorporate some functional exercises – at least 3 days (flexibility exercises-stretches, abdominal crunches, back and shoulder exercises, lower leg exercise)

Today was just the first day; however, I drank more water and Andrew and I went to the gym. I walked for 35 minutes on the treadmill while listening to another podcast episode, did some strength training (legs), and stretched. We’ll see how the rest of the week goes since I return to school tomorrow after being off for two weeks. It will be tough, especially with having to get up so early. I am more of a night owl than a lark. Nonetheless, dear reader, I’m excited about a new year and its possibilities. I hope you are, too. Happiness!

If you could choose a one-word theme for this year, what word would you choose? 

“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling.” ~ Deborah Day

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Happy 2017, dear readers! I am back for a new year. It has been quite some time since my last blog post. I am planning to strive to do better this year with my writing, as well as in other areas of my life. RENEWAL. That is the one-word theme I have chosen for this year. I have also decided to attempt another happiness project. Years ago after reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, I participated in my own happiness project and had a fabulous year. I am looking forward to a new year with new possibilities and opportunities. New Year’s Blessings to you, dear readers. Happiness!

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.'” ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Happy New Year!

I’m always looking for ways to improve my life by making it better. And, making your life better requires change. Change can be challenging; however, it can also be exhilarating. I’ve decided this year to use the month of January to start some challenges I find interesting, beneficial, and fun. In addition, I plan to use the month to set some goals for the remaining eleven months of the year. Trying to set goals during the holiday season doesn’t work for me because of all the holiday distractions. I, like so many other people, quickly abandon those goals before January ends. I want a clean slate, time, and some enthusiasm to fuel the resolutions to achieve those goals. The number one goal for every area of my life is to be happy, feel good, experience the joy of life itself. According to Danielle LaPorte, it is not so much achieving the goal as it is how you will feel when you actually achieve that goal.

Challenge #1 (8-Week Weight Loss Challenge)

I weighed myself Saturday morning (133 pounds), and not surprisingly, I gained seven pounds. I deserve every pound I gained. I ate the fig cookies, pralines, carrot cake, raspberry chipotle meatballs, dips and chips, fried turkey, etc. I’m grateful it wasn’t more because I definitely indulged this holiday season. Thank goodness I exercised during the holidays. It could have been so much worse. I put seven marbles back in the container for “pounds to go” and plan to get back on track tomorrow morning.

I’m planning to do an 8-Week “Get Healthy” Challenge sponsored by SixSistersStuff.com. They even have the challenge on Facebook. I’ve talked to mon frere, Moonius Maximus, about joining the challenge so we can hold each other accountable. We will start tomorrow Monday 7 January. This challenge will give him some much-needed motivation and will help me lose the weight I gained during the holidays. I like this challenge because it is based on clean eating and exercise, which is the lifestyle I’ve adopted. The site includes a packet which has charts to record your progress. I encourage everyone to take a look (just click on the green titles above, and you will be brought to the links).

Challenge #2 (21 Day Relationship Challenge)

I’m all for trying things to bring more happiness and joy to my life. Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project and Happier at Home, has come up with the 21 Day Relationship Challenge. Basically, you will receive an e-mail each morning for three weeks with a resolution to strengthen your bonds with others. The challenge will begin on Monday, 14 January, so if anyone is interested in participating in this challenge, visit the link above (green) and join.

Challenge #3 (Making Money in Commercials)

I’m taking a workshop this month with my acting coach, Lance E. Nichols. I enjoy acting even though it is extremely challenging for me. The experience is helping me to become fearless.

Challenge #4 (Reading List 2013)

In 2012 I challenged myself to read at least 24 books for the year (2 books per month) from three categories: children’s literature, adult fiction, and adult non-fiction. I created a list of 32 books. Unfortunately, I could not stick to just the books on my list. I deviated a little bit; however, out of the 32 books on my list I read 18 plus 20 more off my list giving me a total of 38 books for the year. There are just TOO many terrific books, and I can’t resist going to the bookstore! Creating the list, as well as joining the Goodreads website helped me read more last year. One of my resolutions every year is to read more. I haven’t put my list together for 2013, yet. I WILL post it this week. It will include titles from last year that I didn’t get to read plus quite a few new titles. I bought two new books from BAM last night which will be included on the list, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and The Technologists by Matthew Pearl.

As you can see, I’m starting 2013 with some energy and enthusiasm. Throughout the month, I will be writing down my goals and resolutions for different areas of my life to implement for the remainder of the year….all of which I will share with you, my dear readers. In the meantime, hoping everyone is enjoying the new year with a grateful and loving attitude. Happiness!

“Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” ~ Jim Rohn 

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    My little guy and I like to go to Books-A-Million at least once a month to spend some quality time together. He orders chocolate milk and a box of gummy worms. I order a mocha latte. Generally, I read the monthly BookPage newspaper with reviews and advertisements for the newest books out in the bookstores. My little guy finds something interesting to read, which on many occasions I end up purchasing.  Although on this particular visit, he brought his allowance, was given a 50% coupon by a friend’s mother, and walked out with a brand new hardcover Star Wars Lego Visual Dictionary for $10.79. It is relaxing and fun, and we are spending time together. It is definitely one of my favorite things I like to do with my little guy.

    Yesterday afternoon, we went for one of our monthly dates. In the middle display alone, I saw a dozen books I wanted to read.  Thumbing through December’s issue of BookPage, I saw a few more titles I wanted to read.  It dawned on me, as I was sipping my mocha latte, that I wouldn’t be reading any new books until I started reading some of the books I already owned at home. And, those were not going to get read if I did not start making the time to read them.

    Reading makes me happy, so I am adding “reading more” as one of my resolutions for my happiness project.  My goal is to read at least two books per month. At first, I was going to put the books in order by month, but decided that may be too stressful. Instead, I just created a list of books, and I have separated them into categories. I love reading children’s literature, so quite a few titles fall in that category. Each month, I’ll decide what to read based on my mood, time constraints, movie releases based on books I’ve chosen, as well as release dates for books not yet published. Yes, even though there are many books on my book shelves I have not read, yet….there are a couple of books that are scheduled to come out this year that I want to read this year.

    One day I would love to start a book club. For the time being, I’ll have to put that idea on my Wish List. I’ve included my reading list for your viewing pleasure (click on the link below). I’ll keep you up to date throughout the year on my progress. I hope you decide to do more of the things you love throughout the year.

Happy New Year!

Reading List 2012

 A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face.  It is one of the few havens remaining where a man’s mind can get both provocation and privacy.  ~Edward P. Morgan

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Frustrated…that is the word that best describes me at the moment. Frustration does not equal happiness; however, it can motivate oneself to make a change or two. What is the source of my frustration? Well, my weight. My goal weight on September 26th was 140 pounds. I weighed in Monday morning to the tune of 144 pounds. UGH! Now, I have not been eating like a sparrow, but I also haven’t been eating like a Spartan. All month my weight has fluctuated between 141 to 144 pounds. I find if I exercise and have a good poop before I weigh in, I get a much better result. Needless to say, I had neither this past Monday. So, I have decided to abandon a goal weight until I can really make a commitment to change my eating habits.

I eat out of anxiety and my peak time seems to be in the afternoon after picking up my little guy from school. The key is getting back to my original resolutions. Part of not keeping my resolutions in the “eating better” department is not being a good time manager. I’m working on being a better time manager. I have been drinking more water. Getting up earlier has not been a problem since school is back in session. Going to bed on time has also not been a problem since I have been working every day.

While my weight has not decreased, my running has increased. This has brought much happiness to my life. I have been moving every day. I am running at least three days a week whether it is in the heat, fog, or rain. Today, I registered for the Middendorf’s Manchac Run, which will be held in October. It is a 5K (3.1 miles). This week I am walking for 2 minutes and running for 8 minutes…repeating this three times for a total of 30 minutes. Of course, this does not include my 10 minute walking warm-up, cool-down, and stretch. Next week, I am walking for 1 minute and running for 9 minutes…repeating this three times for a total of 30 minutes. The following week I will be running 30 minutes with no walk breaks. My goal is simply to finish this race in 30 minutes. The only exercise resolution I have not been keeping up with is strength training two days a week. It has been hard fitting it in; however, I know it is important. Again, being a better time manager will help with this resolution, as well.  

Even though I am not hitting the mark on all my resolutions, I’m still happy with myself for making the attempt. It really is a journey. The real goal is to find as much happiness along the way.  If anything, this happiness project has made me rediscover the joy I get from running.  Running puts things in perspective for me. This is one resolution I’m trying very hard not to break.

“Remind yourself that a run will make you feel better mentally and emotionally.”         ~ Howard J. Rankin

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In Dianes Kitchen

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The Kat Files

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Get On With It

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Li. A. Wake

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This West London Life

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Helping families one family at a time.

From scene to seen

Adventures in time and space. My diary of film and TV locations I've visited across the world.