
Posts Tagged ‘prayers’

Note: This post was written on Thursday, August 30th. Internet service went down before this post was published.

It’s Thursday mid-morning here in inky black Louisiana, and it appears that Hurricane Isaac is over. My subdivision is still without electricity; however, compared to many people we are very lucky. I’m not complaining. I still have my home, clean running water, working toilets, a generator, phone/internet service, and plenty of food. Our roof lost two shingles, and there is tree debris in the front and back yards. Nothing at all significant. This is not the case for many in surrounding areas. Unfortunately, for many people, Hurricane Isaac is not over. My thoughts and prayers are with those who are less fortunate. 

I went for a walk/run this morning to stretch my legs and get some much-needed fresh air. It felt wonderful. I am still eating clean despite the circumstances. We have plenty of fruits/veggies, and we are eating what we have in the freezer. This is not an excuse to eat poorly or indulge in junk food.

I’m hoping things will get back to normal this weekend. Also, I’m hoping my friends and family caught up in this storm are safe. Again, thoughts and prayers with those who are being severely impacted by this storm.

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”

~ Emily Dickinson

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